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  • You will receive one share in each of our subscription programs (Tulip, spring, summer, and fall), which equals 16 total bouquets spread out across our growing season.
  • Please leave a note at the time of purchase with the time you would like to pick up your flowers on Tuesdays.
  • If you are purchasing this as a gift, please indicate that in the box below by including the gift receipient's name and contact information. We will send you a printable gift card that you can gift to the recipient. 

A Year in Flowers

    • Pickup is on Tuesday afternoon, but the time is flexible. That will be your pickup time for the duration of the subscription.
    • It is your responsibility to remember to pick up bouquets! Your flowers will be in the stand approximately 15 minutes before your scheduled pick up time and will be left there until picked up. We will NOT move your flowers in if you forget to pick up.
    • If you are unable to pick up your flowers due to being out of town or some other unforeseen circumstance, please arrange to have a friend or family member pick them up for you. Consider this an opportunity to bless someone else!
    • We will contact you the week before subscriptions will begin. This is weather-dependent. 
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